CarMedia Solutions


Le 5ème écran avec ses nouvelles expériences multimédia immersives aura un impact économique évalué à plus de 200 milliards de dollars en 2050.

Plusieurs études quantifient l’impact du transport autonome, et par conséquent celui du 5ème écran, en un marché de plus de 200 milliards de dollars.

Cela explique sans doute pourquoi les grands leaders mondiaux de la Tech ont investi massivement dans la conduite autonome, et ce, depuis plus de 10 ans.

La mobilité a entamé sa révolution, où l’auto partage deviendra la norme dans les grandes villes, et la propriété une anomalie, notamment auprès des millennials. Ce qui en fait un des marchés les plus fructueux de l’histoire, d’où des valorisations disproportionnées pour de jeunes sociétés opérant sur ce marché, comme Uber.

Le 5ème écran sera aussi un scenario d’utilisation tangible avec les futurs réseaux de cinquième génération. La 5G est en effet un facteur déterminant pour la conduite autonome, notamment compte tenu de la réduction drastique de la période de latence. Ces écrans interactifs sont connectés de façon permanente, nécessitant une bande passante massive permettant l’échange de données en temps réel en zones de forte densité urbaine.

CarMedia est donc une plateforme technologique éprouvée, permettant d’explorer ces nouvelles opportunités en apprenant des attentes de cette nouvelle audience, dans l’objectif de pouvoir créer par la suite un élément différentiel pour le service de mobilité fourni.

CarMedia and Intel Warner Bros

"... as driverless cars become a reality, we must start thinking of the automobile as a new type of consumer space... the way cars will be designed, the interaction among passengers, and how passengers will spend time while they are riding and not driving... autonomous driving is today’s biggest game changer, offering a new platform for innovation from in-cabin design and entertainment..."

CarMedia and Microsoft Ola

"... the auto industry is experiencing a seismic shift as the definition of automobiles is increasingly changing from gas-powered vehicles to technology-packed connected devices... today’s car is quickly becoming the ultimate computing device to provide more intelligent, connected and productive experiences and business opportunities across the automotive ecosystem..."

CarMedia and Harman Samsung

"... transformative opportunities in the car and a future which seamlessly connects lifestyle across automotive, home, mobile and work... iconic audio brands and capabilities paired with leading display technologies will deliver enhanced audio and video experiences to consumers... working closely with automakers and other technology companies, Samsung and HARMAN will define and drive the future of automotive... "

CarMedia and Strategy Analytics

"... a new Passenger Economy will emerge to support the idle time when drivers become riders... economic opportunity will grow from $800 billion to $7 trillion as autonomous vehicles become mainstream... Mobility-as-a-Service will disrupt long-held patterns of car ownership, maintenance, operations and usage... "

CarMedia and Strategy Analytics

"... by 2035, 12 million fully autonomous units could be sold a year globally, and the market for partially and fully autonomous vehicles is expected to leap from about $42 billion in 2025 to nearly $77 billion in 2035... autos with autonomous vehicle features are expected to capture 25% of the new car market..."

CarMedia Solutions and Deloitte

"... movement of people and goods is changing fast towards the future of mobility, autonomous driving, smarter cities, and mobility as a service... brands can differentiate themselves with product reliability, usefulness, safety, value and service offerings... an enormous opportunity exists to develop lifelong loyal customers for companies with a proven track record..."

CarMedia Solutions and Accenture

"... digital is driving the revolution bringing technologies and new services that are disrupting current business models... the future is about redefining the role of the vehicle for passengers... approximately $144 billion will be at stake for the industry over the next 10 years with the emergence of new business models linked to self-driving vehicles... magnitude of impact should be significantly higher beyond 2030 when technology development allows for mass adoption to occur... "

CarMedia Solutions and ABI Research

"... by 2030, fully driverless technology will spark a transformation of personal mobility, enabling consumers to abandon costly vehicle ownership and summon shared vehicles when needed... this will transform the vehicle interior to be reconfigurable enabling the occupants to fully engage in other personalized in-vehicle experiences and services: Car as a Living Space or Car as an Office..."

CarMedia Solutions and McKinsey

"... automotive revolution will affect traditional car makers, suppliers, regulators, consumers, and the complete automotive value chain... markets and revenue pools to new potential players that could expand automotive revenue pools by about 30 percent... allow the car to become a platform for drivers and passengers to use their time in transit to consume novel forms of media and services... on-demand mobility services and data-driven services will drive new business models up to USD 1.5 trillion by 2030... "

CarMedia Solutions and AT Kearney

"... connected vehicle is already providing opportunities to offer customers various services (e.g. infotainment, directions) and fun, geolocalized and personalized content... autonomous vehicle will soon enable users to unlock new exciting experiences in transport... this evolution will create a €500 billion worldwide market by 2035, half of which will stem from services, media and entertainment..."

CarMedia Solutions and PWC

"... connected services will generate sales of US$155 billion... $120 billion may be captured by new entrants, including suppliers of new technology, mobility services, or digital services... many of today’s manufacturers and suppliers lack the skill, agility, and boldness to turn their companies digital quickly enough to take advantage of this change... "

CarMedia Solutions and IDC

"... connected vehicle represents an increasingly popular mobile device and will leverage current and nextgeneration networks, both wireless and local, to provide connectivity, allowing content and services to be delivered to the dashboard... infotainment services in the connected car will become a key source of business opportunities..."